LONGi is introducing its “Zero Carbon Energy for Earth” initiatives on Earth Day, 2023.

On the 54th World Earth Day, in Xi'an City, LONGi Green Energy Technology described its "Zero Carbon Energy for Earth" .


LONGi is working with the All-China Environment Federation (ACEF) to host an event on “Solar for All” on World Earth Day in 2023. They have invited representatives from the China branches of UN entities and departments, as well as international and domestic NGOs, to talk about how to promote energy equity through renewable energy and what the next steps are.

At the event, LONGi and a number of other groups announced the “Zero Carbon Energy for Earth” project, which is as follows:

  1. Strengthening and spreading science understanding, awareness, and knowledge about zero-carbon power technologies like photovoltaics to give people more faith and motivation to use zero-carbon power while moving towards a future with less carbon.
  2. putting more effort into getting people to use zero-carbon power as the main source of power in projects to protect the environment, improve society, and help people in need. This way, Eco-Social growth may be possible in less-developed areas, especially those that aren’t connected to the power grid.
  3. Do more study and help the creation of new power systems and power technologies that don’t use carbon. Improve the efficiency of the system and lower the cost per kilowatt-hour of carbon-free power by using new technologies. Assess solar and other zero-carbon power technologies in depth and look into ways to reduce their effects on wildlife and local environments. In the meantime, they are actively looking for other renewable energy options to help restore ecosystems and protect wildlife.
  4. Pushing for a green living with low carbon emissions and encouraging everyone to use and put zero-carbon power first. Encouraging all parts of society to buy goods and services made with zero-carbon power as a top priority.
  5. Raise people’s knowledge of recycling and reuse resources and keep pushing for recycling and reusing photovoltaic products. In the end, a full zero-carbon life cycle for a power product with less trash, recycled parts, and non-toxic leftovers.

In the plan, LONGi calls for everyone to work together to make “Zero-Carbon Energy” so that everyone has access to cheap, clean energy and can work together to make a safe, secure, and successful future.

Vice President of LONGi Li Wenxue said at the initiative’s launch event that “Zero-Carbon Energy” like solar is getting more notice than ever before because of “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.” Global issues like “coping with climate change, promoting green transition, fulfilling social responsibility, calling for energy equity, strengthening biodiversity protection, and committing to sustainable development” have become international consensus and are constantly pushing photovoltaic practitioners around the world to help build a clean and beautiful world.

Decarbonizing the power sector is a must if society as a whole is to become carbon neutral. Research shows that China’s energy sector can reach net-zero by 2050, and that the power sector will reach net-zero by 2040.

To make power with no carbon emissions, it’s important to use renewable energy on a big scale, especially solar PV projects. IRENA predicts that up to 50% of all green energy sources will come from solar power. This means that by 2050, the world will have 24 times as much PV power as it did in 2018.