Trina Solar Co., Ltd. (stock symbol: Trina Solar; stock code: 688599) was founded in 1997 and is primarily engaged in the research and development, production, and sales of photovoltaic (PV) modules; power stations and system products; PV power generation, operation and maintenance services; development and sales of intelligent microgrids and multi-energy systems, as well as the operation of energy cloud platforms, etc. By increasing the grid parity of PV power and promoting renewable energy, Trina Solar continues to advance the PV market through continuous innovation. In terms of PV cell conversion efficiency and module output power, the SKL from Trina Solar has set or surpassed 25 world records.

By the end of 11 April 2022, cumulative shipments of PV modules had surpassed 100GW, which is comparable to the installed capacity of 4.4 Three Gorges Dam power units or the planting of 7.4 billion trees globally.
In addition, Trina’s downstream operations include solar PV project development, finance, design, building, operations, and management, as well as one-stop system integration solutions for clients. Trina Solar has connected more than 5.5GW of solar power facilities to the global electrical grid. A pioneer on the emerging frontier.
A trailblazer on the new frontier.
Trina Solar, founded by Gao Jifan in 1997, helped transform the industry by swiftly expanding from one of the earliest PV companies in China to a global leader in solar technology and production. In 2020, Trina Solar hit a new milestone by listing on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Setting new benchmarks with record-breaking innovation.
Trina Solar has broken 25 solar cell efficiency and module power world records so far. Our unparalleled degree of innovation has made us world leaders in establishing quality and efficiency criteria for our sector.